Emily Baer
Responsive, Compassionate Leadership

Putting My Experience
to Work
What I’ve been doing on Erie Town Council since 2022:
It has been an honor to represent the residents of Erie at Town Hall and also at the many commissions, coalitions, and Advisory Boards I am assigned to. In the last couple of years, I have committed to engaging and showing up, spending on average 20-30 hours each week advocating for our community, studying for meetings, building regional relationships, and ensuring Erie is represented at decision-making tables regarding
Transit & transportation planning
State and federal funding
Land-use conversations
Environmental and health considerations
The development of the Colorado Wildfire Protection Plan
Regional Affordable Housing Partnerships
Denver Regional Council of Governments
Colorado Communities for Climate Action
Northwest Mayors and Commissioners Coalition
Hwy 287 Coalition
DRCOG SW Weld Forum
And I serve as the Northern Area Transit Alliance Vice Chair.
I have served as a Council liaison to and attend monthly meetings for the Tree Advisory Board and Historic Preservation Advisory Board, as well as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Task Force.
I have testified many times in my capacity at various state regulatory agencies, advocating for the residents of Erie by amplifying our commitment to clean air and water and forward-thinking sustainability efforts, including:
Green House Gas Emissions Reductions at the Air Quality Control Commission
Transit and Multi Modal Investments at the Transportation Commission
Opposing the expansion of the Coyote Trails Pad at the Energy and Carbon Management Commission
Advocating for a Cumulative Impacts Rulemaking at the ECMC which is happening now
Advocating for stringent and broad Cumulative Impacts rules that protect and prioritize Erie residents’ health and safety
Supporting bills at the legislature that address air quality and air toxics
Air Toxics Permitting at the AQCC
Environmental Justice Action Taskforce recommendations to the Colorado Department of Health and Environment
And many more…
After attending Doing Democracy Day hosted by St Vrain Valley School District High School students in March, 2023, I recognized the importance of hearing from our young people. I have advocated to start a Youth Council and helped to move that through the planning process. I look forward to it getting underway this year.
I volunteer at our Older American’s Lunch most Thursdays at the Community Center. It is the highlight of my week. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know and chat with folks. I am grateful for the friendships I have developed there.